2014年5月26日 星期一

招治阿嬤的女兒了不起 !!


了不起啊 !!大家都可以為父母多做一點事 !!





有感於招治阿嬤畫作中,存在許多對於故鄉艋舺的舊時空間、民間活動與個人重要情感的描述,諸如:龍山寺、露店、剝皮寮、八甲庄、艋舺驛、河岸茶座、大觀戲 院等,在地藝文組織西京文化日前也已開始協助家屬針對招治阿嬤的相關用品、文獻與遺物進行討論,希望能完整清點保留與謝招治女士相關的文本資料,以利後人 全面研究,建立其重要的歷史定位。
— 與鄭宜立其他 3 個人台北市第二殯儀館

我們房東有三戶房客,中棟房東也有三戶,大家共用一個長長的的廚房,廚房內房東用大灶燒木屑煮飯,其他人用烘爐,我後來才搬進來沒地方放烘爐,只好在空的 大灶內放一個小烘爐來煮飯了.新婚的我廚藝上有一些問題時,房東太太會熱心的教我,煮飯時幾個女人聚在一起,話題特別多,廚房裡最熱鬧了。
C30 The Long Shared Kitchen
I lived in Wanhua after I got married in the 50’s. We rented an apartment as our new home. It was in a single-story old adobe building. It stretched from an old street to a new street. Our apartment faced the old street. The apartment in the back faced the new street. There were three or four buildings connected together. Later on, the space between the buildings was blocked so no one could pass though.
Our landlord had three tenants. The building in the middle also had three households. We all shared a long narrow kitchen. The landlord burned wood chips under a big kitchen stove to cook. The rest of us used charcoal stoves to cook. There was no place for me to set my charcoal stove because I was the newest tenant. Therefore, I put my small stove in the landlord’s big stove to cook. Since I was a newlywed, I wasn’t good at cooking. The nice landlord lady would help me whenever I had problems. The kitchen often bustled with noise and excitement when there were a few women cooking together.
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My mom's painting
C25 Helping Neighbors
My father used to run the Chinese fritter business. However, the shop by the Longsang Temple was demolished after the Taiwan’s retrocession; therefore, my father used the hallway of our house as a shop to continue the business.
During the festivals or Chinese New Year, every household would make rice cakes as offering for their ancestors. My father and my step mom would loan the stone mill to the neighbors so they could mill their rice in our hallway. The big iron cauldron we normally used for frying the Chinese fritters would be borrowed by the neighbors and used for steaming the rice cakes too.
Once, my father suggested that the whole neighborhood could buy the materials and make the cakes together. All the neighbors agreed. Our stone mill and cauldron were quiet busy during the festivals and New Years holidays after that.
My father was also the head of the neighborhood. He noticed that the pebble road in front of our house was very hard to walk on; especially since everyone wore wooden clogs at that time. He applied for a subsidy from the government to buy sand and gravel. The neighbors also donated money to hire people and buy cement to pave the road. My father was really good at helping the neighbors and the neighbors were very grateful to him.

C25過節 敦親睦鄰
有一次家父提議,何不大家合夥出錢買材料,大家分工合作來作糕品祭神,鄰居們都贊同這個提議,之後過年過節我家的石磨和大鐵爐就有的忙了。當時當鄰長的家 父覺得,我家門前的巷道是舖小石子路,大家都穿木屐,路不好走,是於向市政府申請補助舖路用的砂石,兩旁的住民大家出錢,雇用工人買水泥來舖水泥路,家父 還真會作敦親睦鄰的工作,鄰居們都很感激呢!

C25過節 敦親睦鄰
有一次家父提議,何不大家合夥出錢買材料,大家分工合作來作糕品祭神, 鄰居們都贊同這個提議,之後過年過節我家的石磨和大鐵爐就有的忙了。當時當鄰長的家父覺得,我家門前的巷道是舖小石子路,大家都穿木屐,路不好走,是於向 市政府申請補助舖路用的砂石,兩旁的住民大家出錢,雇用工人買水泥來舖水泥路,家父還真會作敦親睦鄰的工作,鄰居們都很感激呢!
C25 Helping Neighbors
My father used to run the Chinese fritter business. However, the shop by the Longsang Temple was demolished after the Taiwan’s retrocession; therefore, my father used the hallway of our house as a shop to continue the business.
During the festivals or Chinese New Year, every household would make rice cakes as offering for their ancestors. My father and my step mom would loan the stone mill to the neighbors so they could mill their rice in our hallway. The big iron cauldron we normally used for frying the Chinese fritters would be borrowed by the neighbors and used for steaming the rice cakes too.
Once, my father suggested that the whole neighborhood could buy the materials and make the cakes together. All the neighbors agreed. Our stone mill and cauldron were quiet busy during the festivals and New Years holidays after that.
My father was also the head of the neighborhood. He noticed that the pebble road in front of our house was very hard to walk on; especially since everyone wore wooden clogs at that time. He applied for a subsidy from the government to buy sand and gravel. The neighbors also donated money to hire people and buy cement to pave the road. My father was really good at helping the neighbors and the neighbors were very grateful to him.

C32 Monga Train Station in the Old Time
The old time Monga train station left over from the Japanese occupation era is the entrance to Taipei city and is the hub of north-south transportation. It has been converted into a concrete building and has lost its previous elegant style.

C 28枝仔冰店
C28 Popsicle shop
The best way to cool off on a hot summer day is to have a Popsicle. I visited the Popsicle shop a lot when I was a child. Back then, a Popsicle only cost a dime. It was sweet, icy and cheap. Everyone loved it. The little girl in the picture was upset because she has no Popsicle to eat. All she can do is watch her brother enjoy the Popsicle. Students would show up after school to get some Popsicles from the shop and sell them on the street to make some money to help out their families.

以前普通人家都很省,大人做一件新衣要穿好幾年,只有家裡有喜事、過年或出去作客時才拿出來穿,常常一件新衣穿了幾年都還沒下過水呢。有一次夏天我穿一件 新衣出門,因為流了汗回到家馬上脫下來洗,被後母看見罵了一頓,說我不會愛惜衣服,新衣服只穿一次就拿來洗。平時穿新衣的機會很少,小孩子過年才有新衣可穿.不像現在加工業發達,生活比較好,人人都買得起新衣穿,連狗都有衣服可穿,時代真的是不同了。

C23 Making New Clothes
People mostly made their own clothing back in the old time. The bride-to-be had to learn how to do it before she got married because the mother in law would hand the new bride a piece of fabric and asked her to make a new clothes for her in order to test the bride’s sewing skill. They would ask help from their friends or relatives if there was no one knew how to sew at home. Otherwise, they had to hire a tailor to do it for them.

People also lived very thriftily back then. A piece of new clothing would last for years because it would only be worn for the special occasions like weddings or Chinese New Year.
It was very often that a new garment never been washed after being worn for several years.

I remember once, I wore a new dress out in a summer day and I washed it right after I came home because I have been sweating. My step mom yelled at me and gave me a lecture about how much I didn’t know about taking care of the new clothes. She said no new clothes should be washed after being worn just once.

People didn’t ware new clothes on regular days. Children only wore new clothes during the New Year. Nowadays, people’s life have been improved, everyone can afford new clothes. Even dogs have clothes to wear. What a different era.

C33 母與子
一個母親騎一部腳踏車,載全家大小出門,在經濟還不很發達的年代,這種超載的景像在街上隨時可見 ,當時沒有嚴格的 交通規則,車子也少,警察也不會取締,大家方便就好的時代了。
C33 Mother and Children
A mother rides a bicycle with the whole family on it.
Back in the old time, before the economy boomed, this kind of overloading was commonly seen on the streets. There weren't strict traffic rules and here were very few cars on the road. The police didn't bother handing out tickets as long as it was convenient for everyone.


C24 Breakfast Place
When I was little, my father had a Chinese fritter shop next to the Lonsang temple in Wanhua. I had to wake up around four or five o’clock every morning to go to the shop to help my father’s business. Often I had to work until just before the school started. Afterward, I would go to the breakfast place next door to buy a “Guang-Zai rice” and side dishes to put into my lunchbox and then I went to school.

Nowadays, people might not know what is “Guang-Zai rice.” In the old times, people put rice and water into a container that looked like a small fluted tube to steam the rice. It smelled delicious after it was done and it was just right for one person. The breakfast place also sold rice porridge, salted duck eggs, pickles, sliced cold chicken, pork and other dishes.